Beware! Zombies Approaching!
This agile coach was investing some time in himself this weekend and came across an article that warned of a topic he is aware of, and indeed himself has experienced- Zombie Agility! Now I know what you're thinking - "He's really off into the deep end this time," but hear me out! I can assure you, it's a real thing - you may have seen the symptoms of this horrible affliction before - Agile teams that are joyless and robotic - executing the events without really ever really connecting with the work (or talking about their customer) All of the boxes are checked and you're "doing" Agile - but not really seeing the business results Backlogs are still highly dependent on command and control approvals (you're still asking your Advisory Council for approval to move forward) Outside dependencies that cause constant reshuffling of team's priorities Teams are getting lackluster results and have disengaged people As Eric Cottrell puts it - Zombie ...