If your agile team events are meetings - you're doing it wrong!
Hello agile teammates! Can I get real with you for a minute? I want to share something that really gets my dander up... I don't know about you, but when I hear folks refer to our agile team events as "meetings" I get a special kind of cranky! Let me explain... As you all are very aware of by now, agile teams are built around a set of shared values and principles we call " the agile mindset ." The first shared value of that mindset is: Individuals and interactions over process and tools Now - tools and processes are valuable... they really help a team stay focused on their shared objectives (which of course is to deliver values for our customers while we achieve business outcomes!) This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'll make the argument anyway - Agile team events are not a process, nor are they a step in a process. They are not a box to be checked or a form to be stamped. They are an opportunity for a cross-fun...