Of the many lessons that 2020 has taught us, I think we can all agree that the most important take away is the importance of being open minded and flexible. It's hard to imagine a plan or a goal, personal or business related, that was set at the beginning of this year that wasn't somehow impacted by the unprecedented challenges 2020 brought us. (Unless, of course your goal was to avoid face-to-face contact with people this year. In that case you're probably pretty on track! ) As I continue to reflect on the many lessons of this year... changes in our country, our company, communities, families and friends... I think my main take-aways are two fold; always challenge assumptions, always stay grounded in what matters. The Agile Manifesto was originally crafted in 2001 by a group of thought leaders from the software development world. After much discussion, this group came to realize that regardless of their individual perspective on the steps they should take to complete the...