
Happy National Compliment Day

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Happy National Clean Off Your Desk Day

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National Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day

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Coach's Challenge - Conduct a Black Hat Review

In the last post, I  challenged you to start seeing  mistakes as opportunities  for your team to improve and grow.  This week our coaching challenge is designed to help your team improve its psychological safety by making it "ok" (or even  normal ) to share ideas or perspectives that may be counter to what the rest of the group is thinking.     The concept of "Black Hat Teams" is simple - it challenges teams to look at decisions and solutions from different perspectives.  It also helps to encourage team members to share ideas and perspectives that may be "counter" to a direction the team may organically be headed in.  The Black Hat Review activity can be incorporated into backlog refinement or roadmap development, and can go a long way to helping create an environment of  psychological safety  for your team.   IF you have any questions, or would like any support, don’t hesitate to reach out to a coach, scrum master, o...

Coach's challenge! - Schedule a "Mistakes Meeting"

Schedule your very own Mistakes Meeting! Creating a culture within (and across) a team that encourages people to live and breath the agile values and principles requires trust, and that takes being transparent, having a growth mindset and looking to continuously improve!   One way to encourage an agile team culture is to start treating mistakes like what they are…. opportunities to learn and improve! The following activity is borrowed from and can be incorporated into one of your existing team meetings or retrospectives, or can be a stand-alone event.  By making this activity a recurring exercise – you help to build a culture where transparency and growth are reinforced (not to mention coming up with some really good ways to continuously improve the way your team works!) IF you have any questions, or would like any support, don’t hesitate to reach out to a coach or your scrum master. That's what they are there for! Go out...

An agile survival guide for 2021 and beyond

Of the many lessons that 2020 has taught us, I think we can all agree that the most important take away is the importance of being open minded and flexible. It's hard to imagine a plan or a goal, personal or business related, that was set at the beginning of this year that wasn't somehow impacted by the unprecedented challenges 2020 brought us. (Unless, of course your goal was to avoid face-to-face contact with people this year. In that case you're probably pretty on track! ) As I continue to reflect on the many lessons of this year... changes in our country, our company, communities, families and friends... I think my main take-aways are two fold; always challenge assumptions, always stay grounded in what matters. The Agile Manifesto was originally crafted in 2001 by a group of thought leaders from the  software development world. After much discussion, this group came to realize that regardless of their individual perspective on the steps they should take to complete the...

Happy National Train Your Brain Day

  Learn more about National Train Your Brain day