I report to…
I hear those words a lot. "Hi! My name is ... I report to ..." I may have missed the part of orientation that taught us that standard introduction. It's what we say when we meet someone new, or start working with a new team. Sometimes to me it feels like a security blanket of sorts. Or a justification as to why that person showed up to a certain meeting. Regardless of why it happens, it happens. A lot. To me, that phrase has become a symbol of why we as a company, still have a way to go with our transformation. At the risk of repeating myself over and over... I'd like to refresh us all on the "why" of this transformation we are all working on. Our customers matter. They count on us to help them achieve their financial goals. Without them, and their continued use of our services, we wouldn't have a company (and consequently jobs, which means we would not be a part of so-and-so's organization!) Our customers matter so much ...