
Take a small step toward being a more agile minded leader.

One of the most important contributions that leaders can make in any transformation is to model the types of behaviors that we want teams and team members to adopt!  Modeling our target behaviors sends a very clear message that we are invested in not only changing the way we approach work, but also the culture that enables and reinforces those target behaviors.  Making small but thoughtful changes in the way you present yourself to your teams and partners can go a long way in creating the kind of organization we need.  As you’re working with your teams and partners, consider incorporating just one small thing from the following ideas. Pro tip – Don't have time to read this whole document right now?  Check out the “tl;dr” (Typed Long; Didn’t Read) section at the bottom of this post for an executive summary. Emphasize outcomes and put a premium on achieving business results rather than focusing on output.  Agile minded leaders view results in terms of achieving b...

Take a step forward


We All Win Together

 Just a friendly reminder, we all win together.  What are you doing to help your team win today?

Happy National Barbeque Day

 Happy National BBQ Day

Next steps on the journey...

If y'all have been paying attention, I often refer to our transformations, or any change really, as a journey. I like that word because it involves the idea of something that takes time and is full of possibilities. Something that could be exciting and full of adventure. It's a little bit mysterious because of the distance and time involved. Anyone who has traveled much at all knows that, even with the most perfectly charted course, the unexpected can, and often does, happen. You can let it derail you, or you can embrace the challenge and take what you can from the experience. The word "journey" to me says there are things to learn and see and experience along the way, and those things along the way can be just as exciting and valuable as reaching the destination! On any journey, there will be forks in the road, and we have to decide which direction we're going to go. Today, I'm sharing with you all that I've decided on a path that takes me away from...

I report to…

I hear those words a lot.  "Hi!  My name is ... I report to ..."  I may have missed the part of orientation that taught us that standard introduction.  It's what we say when we meet someone new, or start working with a new team. Sometimes to me it feels like a security blanket of sorts.  Or a justification as to why that person showed up to a certain meeting.  Regardless of why it happens, it happens.  A lot.  To me, that phrase has become a symbol of why we as a company, still have a way to go with our transformation. At the risk of repeating myself over and over... I'd like to refresh us all on the "why" of this transformation we are all working on. Our customers matter.  They count on us to help them achieve their financial goals.  Without them, and their continued use of our services, we wouldn't have a company (and consequently jobs, which means we would not be a part of so-and-so's organization!)  Our customers matter so much ...

Manager hacks that build trust and drive empowerment

  I ' ve heard a lot of talk about empowerment lately, so I thought I might offer a perspective (and maybe some advice) on the topic.  Let's start with a definition we can all rally around, shall we? "Empowered employees believe they have the tools, resources, autonomy and support they need to act independently and be held accountable for the decisions they make" - Society for Human Resources Management. As much as we'd like, this doesn't just magically happen..... If you show up on a Tuesday and say " OK team, you're empowered ".  I'm sorry to tell you, you will be pretty disappointed in the results. You see, for employees to actually act independently -  to make decisions on behalf of the company - to help them achieve their objectives, people have to feel  safe .  Employees have to feel like they have the ability, but also the backing by their managers and leaders, so if a mistake is made, the don't find themselves under a bus.  Empowe...